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198 West 21th Street, Suite 721
New York, NY 10010
+88 (0) 101 0000 000

Digital Marketing


Your business and everyone else is vying for their share of Internet space where they can be more visible. Between years 2000 to 2009, global internet usage grew from roughly 361 million users to 1.67 billion users at a CAGR of 18.5%1 . Even with this high growth rate, global penetration is only 24.7% (users as a percentage of total global population). Given these facts, it can be concluded that the high growth rate will sustain for some time to come.

E-Commerce is projected to be around $320B by 2010 which is 13% of total US sales (Forrester Research). Add to this the wide spread acceptance and use of mobile devices, users are now connected to the World Wide Web on a 24 x 7 basis. Therefore, no business can afford to underestimate internet as a marketing channel. We can help your business be on the map and capture its fair share.

SEO Services

A Website is essential for any/every business in today’s world as it has turn into a virtual/global family but having a SEO friendly website is a key to growth of the company and to generate clients and revenues. Research illustrates that the maximum number of visitors come through Search engines on any/every website when looking for research, products and information, which means positioning your company on the first result page (SERPs) of the Search Engine is crucial/vital for competing with your competitors.

To be one of the first researched/looked company website is a critical method done by the appropriate efforts and by exercising the methods of Globalmarketing analysis, research and study of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) friendly ‘Key words’.

Small Business e-Marketing Services

Every Business deserves the chance to achieve greater visibility in Search Results, Social Media and throughout the World Wide Web and to exploit every Hidden Opportunity to Multiply Traffic and Convert it into Recurring Revenue.


Personal Branding

When it comes to achieving career success, you are your own secret weapon. In many ways, entrepreneurs ARE their company (think of Steve Jobs, whose “think different” mentality gave us Apple). And you’ve got what no other business has: you. Which is why Systems Junction’s Personal Branding consulting service focuses on what makes you, your brand, and your company unique.